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8 Amazing Facts About the Impact of Laughter on Our Health and Life

We start laughing long before we learn to walk. And this simple action helps not only to find friends, a soul mate, and become happier, but also to live to a ripe old age in perfect health. For a dose of joy that’s sure to get you laughing, check out the entertainment at NationalCasino Australia. Their offerings remind us just how much fun life can be, underscoring the health benefits of laughter. Don’t believe me? Check out the research results!

Why Do We Laugh?

According to scientists, one of the most important functions of laughter is social. It lets other people know that we enjoy the conversation and don’t mind continuing it. “A sense of humor helps to find a common language with other people, create trust and strengthen social connections. The opportunity to laugh with family and friends makes our lives richer and happier.

An adult laughs on average 17 times a day. Representatives of the fair sex do this 126% more often than the courageous half of humanity. But men are more likely to make jokes to please women. One of the most common requests for a potential partner on dating apps is to have a sense of humor.

Relationships that have a lot of laughter and fun are stronger and happier. Children don’t mind laughing either, especially in pleasant company. British researcher Caspar Eddyman found that children aged 2.5-4 years old laughed 8 times more often while watching cartoons if there were peers next to them.

How Laughter Affects Our Lives

Laughter lifts your spirits. If you, feeling depressed, can rejoice and laugh in response to some joke, you will feel relief, says Ekaterina Catalina, a practicing psychologist, candidate of economic sciences. — Laughter also affects a person’s performance and productivity in school and professional activities. This happens by reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. And with a decrease in stress, we become more collected and ready to work actively and harmoniously, and learn new things.

How does laughter affect your health?

They say that laughter is the best medicine. And it’s hard to disagree with this! “When we laugh, our body produces endorphins, known as happiness hormones, which penetrate our blood and can bring many beneficial changes,” comments Yulia Zhukova. – The general physical response to laughter includes activation of our breathing and cardiovascular system. This helps improve blood circulation, increase the supply of oxygen to cells and stimulate the immune system.” But the healing powers of laughter don’t stop there!

1. Laughter Reduces High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most serious consequences of stress and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Jokes and laughter can help reduce it and prevent possible problems.

In a 2017 study, researchers asked 40 hemodialysis patients to listen to comedy programs for 30 minutes a day. After 8 weeks of the experiment, the researchers found that their blood pressure dropped significantly and their overall health improved.

2. Saves You from Depression

The ability to laugh and find positivity in things around us can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. In a 2014 study, laughter helped female medical students cope with increased anxiety and symptoms of depression. And in the scientific work of Korean scientists, “laughter therapy” helped menopausal women perceive life more optimistically, fight symptoms of depression and increase self-esteem.

3. Strengthens the Immune System

According to scientists, in order for the immune system to be strong and able to effectively cope with viruses and bacteria, you need to laugh more often.

An experiment with college students showed that watching comedy films increased IgA levels in saliva. Cells of the immune system produce these antibodies in response to viruses, bacteria and toxins entering the body. The more antibodies there are during the period of “danger,” the more effectively the body fights “strangers.”

4. Can Replace Exercise

But only for a very short time – while the person laughs. A study cited by the International Journal of Humor Research found that a good laugh increases heart rate and oxygen delivery to cells. The same thing happens during physical activity.

So if you can laugh without interruption for 30 minutes to an hour, you can skip morning exercises. But you shouldn’t overuse it, because fitness not only makes your heart beat faster, but also has many other health benefits.

5. Protects Blood Vessels from Damage

Experts from the American Heart Association recommend laughing more often, arguing that laughter reduces inflammation in the arteries and increases the production of “good” cholesterol.

So funny jokes in the morning, funny videos in the afternoon and great comedy in the evening – just what the doctor ordered!

6. Reduces Pain

Laughter can be a great pain reliever. The French surgeon Henri de Mondeville spoke about this in the 14th century. Of course, it will not replace modern painkillers, but it will help you survive unpleasant manipulations and painful procedures.

In a 2011 study, researchers found that people who watched comedy videos required less pain medication.

7. Burns Extra Calories

It is unlikely that you will be able to “burn” a good slice of pizza with laughter, but a small piece of candy is quite possible. In a 2014 study, scientists divided 45 experimental participants into two groups. One was offered to watch comedy videos, and the second was offered a video that was unlikely to cause laughter.

When summing up, the scientists found that the group that enjoyed watching funny videos burned 1 kcal per minute more. Not very much, but for those who want to lose weight, it will not be superfluous.

8. Improves Sleep

If you have trouble falling asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling asleep for a long time, laughter therapy can help.

In one study of 42 older adults living in long-term care facilities, researchers found that singing funny songs, dancing exercises, and playing games that induce laughter helped residents combat low mood and also improved their quality of sleep.



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