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HomeHealthHair Transplant Istanbul: A Comprehensive Guide to FUE Hair Transplant Timeline

Hair Transplant Istanbul: A Comprehensive Guide to FUE Hair Transplant Timeline

Hair transplantation has become well-liked and popular among the inhabitants of Istanbul, besides, the city has become an international mecca for many patients suffering from baldness who are in the search of an effective cure. Out of all the available methods, Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE has many advantages, such as minimal invasiveness of the procedure and very natural-looking results. A FUE for a Hair Transplant Istanbul is one of the most popular methods of solving hair-related problems Nowadays, we are going to investigate the timeline for FUE hair transplant and what a man can experience before and after surgery.

Why Choose Istanbul for Hair Transplantation?

Turkey has good hospitals, proficient specialists, and the general costs are considered low in comparison with the diseases’ severity. The city hosts effective health care facilities for everyone and at the same time possesses cultural significance for medical tourism. Patients can expect:

  • Expertise: This city is headquarters to some of the best hair transplant surgeons in the world; most of them are well experienced and widely acclaimed globally.
  • State-of-the-Art Clinics: The clinics are well equipped with the latest technology and they meet all the laid down hygiene protocols.
  • Affordable Prices: In contrast to Western countries, prices for the transfer of hair in Istanbul are lower but with it, service quality is not affected.
  • Comprehensive Care: Some of the clinics offer bundled services where once a patient books a clinic, they have to pay for consultation, surgery, accommodation and after treatment services.

FUE Hair Transplant

The FUE Hair Transplant Timeline is a step-by-step process that is important from preparing the recipient area to harvesting the donor area. Here is a detailed timeline of the process:Here is a detailed timeline of the process:

It is a period before the actual surgery to which a patient is subjected, an example of measures that can be undertaken during this phase include:

Consultation: There is always the first appointment with a hair transplant surgeon. It can be more personal and thus done face-to-face or through computers and the internet. The surgeon will talk to you about your expectations, regarding baldness, and will decide whether you are eligible to be operated on using FUE.

Medical Evaluation: A comprehensive medical examination is carried out to determine the health status of the Client. Some simple tests that the doctor might carry out include blood tests and past medical history.

Preparation: Also, patients are discouraged from taking some drugs, alcohol or smoking one week before the surgery. Another critical guideline to take is to adhere to all the instructions that the surgeon provides.

2. Surgery Day

Arrival at the Clinic: On the day of the surgery, you will go the clinic and the surgical team will conduct all necessary preparations before the surgery.

Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia will be given to the donor and recipient site before the surgery to enable the patient not to feel any pain.

Extraction: With the help of a micro punch, the hair follicles will be removed from the donor site, usually the back or side of the head.

Graft Preparation: They are then processed for transplantation of the follicular extracts that have been extracted from the human body.

Implantation: The surgeon will have to perform the surgery on the recipient area by making small holes and inserting the hair follicles. This step has to be well done to have a natural hairline and density of the hairpiece.

Post-Operative Care: Also after the surgery they will explain to you proper nutrition, medication to take for pain and infection, as well as general care and precautions to be taken during recovery.


Istanbul is an excellent place to get an FUE hair transplant because it provides the latest medical services together with experienced specialists and historical tourism. Explaining the time table of the procedure is very important to the patient in the sense that it sets the pace from which a patient can know what to expect at different intervals of the program. When taken care of and given all the necessary time, follicular unit extraction will bring the most translated change to a person’s life, changing the aesthetics and morale of an individual.



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