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How to Behave In Unfamiliar Company?

There are people who, as soon as they get into a new company, begin to communicate with others at ease. Others need time to take a closer look, get used to it, and only then join the conversation. If you belong to the second type and often get lost in the company of strangers, this can be solved! Consider strategies similar to choosing a reliable platform like Vave casino Australia, where getting familiar and comfortable comes naturally.

Strangers Are Nearby! How Do We Feel In an Unfamiliar Environment?

Each person has his own adaptive capabilities. Some people love to be the center of attention and will try to rally the team around them. And for some it is very difficult to adapt to a new environment, and an unfamiliar environment can become torture for him. However, no one can avoid communicating with new people. To understand how best to act, you first need to accept your emotional state.

In an unfamiliar company, we may feel insecure, worried that we will not be able to find a common language with other people or that we will be misunderstood.  It is important to be able to cope with your emotional state and build new connections. Having learned to interact with different people, we begin to completely manage our lives.

How Easy It Is to Join a New Team?

To become part of an unfamiliar company, the most important and, probably, the most difficult thing is to be open. The rest of the tips are universal and can be applied in any unfamiliar company – for example, at an event where you don’t know anyone, or a new workplace.

1. Smile

Enter with a smile. Everyone likes a smiling, friendly person, they want to communicate with him, the brain of the people around him reads that he is safe and open to communication,” says Irina Veklich, a psychological profiler, a specialist in nonverbal communications and body language, head of the Academy of Image and Kinetics. – Never look at the floor or the table. Eye contact with other people is very important in unfamiliar company. If you pass by, try to make eye contact with those around you randomly, at least for a second. If you are sitting or standing surrounded by people, take turns maintaining eye contact with your neighbors.

2. Introduce Yourself

Think about how your family, friends, and colleagues would describe you in a few words. And introduce yourself to others like this.

The new team is people. “Strangers are not a threat, but our strength,” says Valery Gut. – Anyone who has in any way influenced our lives (husband, wife, friends, teachers, clients) was once unknown to us. Therefore, constantly expand your circle of friends.

According to Warren Buffett, one of the richest and most successful people in the world, if we cannot communicate, talk to other people and convey our ideas, then we lose our potential.”

3. Take Initiative

Start the conversation first.  Ask about work, about hobbies. This way you will show your interest in others, identify common topics and create a basis for further communication.

Be open, be sincerely interested in people. Canadian journalist and pop sociologist Malcolm Gladwell, in his book “Talking to a Stranger,” says that if a person initially starts from a place of mistrust, then he will not be able to build effective social connections. So leave your internal bias aside.

4. Try to Remember Names

American educator and motivational speaker Dale Carnegie wrote that the sweetest sound for a person is his own name. Addressing new acquaintances by name will help you win them over more quickly. If the name suddenly slips out of your head, ask again. It’s better than trying to guess and getting confused.

5. Be Friendly

A positive attitude and friendliness will help you easily find a common language with new acquaintances and become popular in their company. It is very important to monitor your behavior and facial expression in order to create a pleasant impression. Keep your back straight, don’t frown, be as natural as possible.

If you are gesturing, make sure that the gestures speak of openness, the hands move with palms up, and the movements are not sharp.

6. Ask Questions

This advice is especially useful for those who are joining a new team at work or seeking to establish communication at conferences and master classes.

If you meet at conferences or seminars, then you have at least one common topic of conversation. Start communication with a simple question: “What brought you here?” Ask open-ended questions, this will make it easier to keep the conversation going.

7. Don’t Chatter

Rapid and halting speech indicates nervousness, while being withdrawn and silent may seem like signs of superiority. You should only remain silent if the topic of conversation is completely unfamiliar to you and you are afraid of getting into trouble. Then you really can just limit yourself to a smile.

It is important to understand that people can use each other to achieve their goals. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into their game, don’t be fooled by other people’s opinions, but look for the best in people – that’s how they will open up to you.

9. Give Sincere Compliments

To overcome the first stiffness in a new team and make communication pleasant for yourself, observe your surroundings. One tells interesting stories, the other has excellent taste, and the third is always open to communication. Surely there is something to praise each of them for.

If there is an opportunity to give a sincere compliment, do not miss it. Everyone likes to be recognized for their achievements.

10. Avoid Negativity

Do not rush to share problems, adversities and difficulties when you first meet. Positivity and lightness are much more welcome.



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